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Green Tea Eye Cream

The active ingredients in this revitalizing under-eye cream help alleviate
dark circles and puffy eyes while also reducing the appearance of fine
lines and wrinkles. A little of this silky Green Tea Eye Cream will melt
right into your skin for lovely results.
YIELDS: ⁄ ounce
3 teaspoons Green Tea–Infused Oil
2 vitamin E capsules
2 drops carrot seed essential oil
What you will need: boiling water, glass measuring cup, shallow bowl,
chopstick, rubber spatula, jar with lid to hold ⁄ ounce of cream
1. To Make: Create a mini double boiler by pouring boiling water in the
bottom of a shallow bowl. Put the Green Tea–Infused Oil into a glass
measuring cup and place the cup into the bowl of boiling water to melt. Stir
it a little to help it along. Once the oil has melted, remove the cup from the
hot water and wipe dry. Pierce the vitamin E capsules and squeeze the
liquid out into the melted oil, discarding the gel caps. Add the carrot seed
essential oil and stir the ingredients together with a chopstick. Pour the
melted oil into the jar and carefully put in the refrigerator. Remove after 30
minutes and screw the lid on tight. Label with contents and date.
2. To Store: Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight.
